Welcome to clinintell!

Help us shape an industry

Our analytics are changing the way the clinical documentation integrity industry utilizes data by getting to the root cause of inaccurate documentation and coding.

Our values

Expected Values


We are a flat organization that seeks input first and listens before acting. We check our egos at the door and are open and honest about any topic. We welcome diverse perspectives because we believe that they will improve our chances of discovering innovative solutions for the industry.

No more benchmarking


We act with speed and purpose and encourage everyone to push their boundaries. Taking the initiative, holding oneself accountable, and learning from failure enables us to continue bringing disruptive innovation to this industry.

Access SMART Goals

Customers first

We exist to deliver value to our hospital customers; therefore, we devote ourselves to listening, understanding, and anticipating their needs.

where it matters

Always improving

We take bold but smart risks, reflect openly about our failures, and adapt with ease. We see challenges and constraints as an opportunity to be creative and resourceful with the people and tools we have.

where it matters

Succeed together

We believe that true satisfaction comes from enabling the success of others and accomplishing more collectively. We are here to empower our customers, but we can’t do that unless we empower each other first.

Our perks

Expected Values

Competitive salary

We conduct regular market surveys to ensure that salaries across roles are fair and competitive.

No more benchmarking


We pay 100% of you and your family’s medical, dental and vision premium.

Access SMART Goals

flexible time off

We focus on value delivery and want you to bring your best, so we let you decide when to take a step back, with no limitations.

where it matters

Unlimited snacks and drinks

Need fuel throughout the day? We’ve got you covered!

Our hiring process

1. getting to know you

You’ll have a video call with your potential teammates. They’ll want to get to know you and ask questions related to your skills.

2. onsite visit

We want to meet you and let you get to know us in person. We’ll take care of your visit expenses.

onsite short project
You'll receive a relevant short project that lets you showcase your skills.
Technical chat
You’ll chat with your potential teammates about the short project and dive deeper into your experiences and skills.
getting to know other teammates
We all work together, so we try to make sure that you get to meet and chat with everyone.
Final chat
You’ll have one more chat at the dinner table with our CEO and VPMA.
3. references

We would like to speak with at least two references.

4. offer

We'll make an offer to you if our team feels you'll be an excellent new addition!